HA remember how I say if you want to do something, just do it and don't ask the hubby first?
That's my theory and I am STICKING TO IT!!!
well I would have been scolded every which way from Sunday if I had said I wanted to PAINT the kitchen cabinets, ya know, he's a cabinet builder and LOVES wood naturally, well sometimes natural wood is just plain UGLY, so there! So I had it all planned out in my head, soon as he heads off to work, I am ripping off those cabinet doors, sanding them down in basement, painting them and while the doors dry, I run back and forth between basement to do doors and the cabinet exterior up here and then getting them all back up before he gets home tee hee, he can't stop me if it's done right?
recap of the old orange-ish looking cabinets and knobs
one of the drawers was falling apart, so I glued it, screwed it and then taped it to hold it together until it dried, yea I know a clamp would have worked much better, but he had all those at work and I certainly couldn't have asked for one or he would have been onto me and my project!
then get them all gathered up to take to basement to start sanding!!
gotta take off knobs and hardware and get to sanding!
as you can see I have doors in progress, also started painting the cabinets as well
and now . . .
one of the drawers was falling apart, so I glued it, screwed it and then taped it to hold it together until it dried, yea I know a clamp would have worked much better, but he had all those at work and I certainly couldn't have asked for one or he would have been onto me and my project!
then get them all gathered up to take to basement to start sanding!!
gotta take off knobs and hardware and get to sanding!
as you can see I have doors in progress, also started painting the cabinets as well
my plan was to paint the base color a green color, then apply that crackle and put the off white paint on top, so it would have the aged crackle effect, however after trying one cabinet I knew I needed a huge wide roller to do this, so . . . I gave up that and had to just paint over the green :(
maybe another day and time when I have the right large roller I will attempt it again!and now . . .
see, we moved the fridge over to the area where they had laundry
oh la la, just lookie there what I did when he ran off to work ;)
I even rummaged around in the basement of the left over treasures the former owner left here and found an old metal coffee can full of the silver knobs, they had to be used in this kitchen at one point in time because there were the perfect amount of them!!! Score!
and remember the upper cabinets above the old oven cook top?
well . . . hubby took that down for me awhile back, and I have since painted the soffit area too
we can see through to the other part of the room without a big road block in the way!
the before of where the oven was hanging out in the wall cabinet & the opening where the fridge used to be
there's the other side of the kitchen, the fridge used to be in that nook where we have placed the stove, fits perfect and I want you to take note of the counter top laminate in these photos, the stuff is so old it's pulling apart, discolored, etc. not to mention TAPED, again with the tape geesh, never heard of repairing with glue? anyway take note because we will be redoing the laminate counter tops too here soon :)
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