Saturday, May 2, 2009

Moving some plants to new home

It's May 2009, we are transplanting some plants on this visit to the new house, we don't actually move in until August 13, 2009, so we have a few months of transplanting and interior painting to get done before we move in, so much nicer to do these things BEFORE you are living in the house right?

How about a few snapshots of the basement dungeon?
oh yes, it certainly needs a makeover, when we live here it will be USED as the laundry room will be moved from the kitchen upstairs to down here . . .

Yup, that's our beast of a tiller, brought it down to create new planting beds to transplant some of my flowers from the old house down here

did a strip bed up the front walkway and moved some plants, looks better already LOL
amazing what a little yardwork can do for a place eh?

and our view from the big front window, ahhh nice
and do you see that scraggley looking shrub, I am told it's a orange or yellow azalea transplanted here in the 70's from West Virginia by the then owners son, who just happened to breed and raise horses in the little red barn in the photo down below

and even better still, a view we will have  looking out the dining room window reveals an awesome heirloom Yellow Transparent apple tree, oh my gosh, can you say excited?!
I am already imagining the applesauce I can make from this gorgeous old tree, in our area, folks would pay an arm n leg for some of these apples!! They go fast at the fruit stands if you can even find them.

and  we put up some new birdhouses today, trying to entice them here before we actually move in :0)

the kids being ornery, waiting on us old farts to finish the yard cleanup we are working on

so they get bored easily, well I knew I didn't like that hand railing to begin with, but now I can see that kids certainly love it for entertaining purposes, spent gosh knows how long sliding down that thing!

that's all for today's visit, we will be back to do more work before we get moved in, see ya then!