Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Seed gathering & storing

We have hit October and still have some very pretty fall weather here, the Japanese morning glories have just about put on their last showing, the seed pods are getting big, some are turning brown already, this means it about time for seed picking and storing to grow next year!
just look at all of those seedpods!
 yes they WERE pretty, however they are not now, I am ready for them to be gone, it's cleanup time
and wow, there is the pond LOL as each of the different variety of vines had ripe seedpods, I would pick them, label them and yank the dead vines, have to keep up with them!

If you want to save your seeds, just pick when ripe, I put all of mine into brown paper sacks until they are dry, then I just shake the bejeebers out of the bag to release the seed from the dried pod, then I still have to pick the seeds out after I am certain they are completely dry, then I get teeny tiny ziploc baggies to store the seeds in over the winter, make sure you label what they are, don't think "oh I will remember what these are" because NO YOU WON'T lol play it safe and tag them!
there are still a few giving me pretty blooms

but as soon as these seedpods are ripe, they are going to be yanked and no, I don't think I will grow them there again, they were soo messy!
even the black eyed susan vine  thunbergia alata is putting on a show yet