I call this end of the basement the "man cave" end, these are the free cabinets he got from work, someone drilled the shelf holes right, just the cabinets were upside down at the time, HA HA so once again, my hubby grabbed them up, he knew exactly where he wanted to put them!
I admit I am a little jealous, those are nice cabinets, but since I certainly don't need any cabinet space in the basement other than my little cabinet I have on the wall by my laundry area, I am happy for him ;)
and of course it's messy, it is a work in progress, someone decided while he was putting up the cabinets, it would be best to get the drywall up there in place first so later he wouldn't have to cut around the cabinets to install it, that drywall is heavy, try holding that up while he puts the screws to it, not fun
someday it will all be done!
I have an idea where I would like to move those chest freezers also, but so far have not convinced him
yup, nice cabinets, so happy someone screwed up when making them HA HA
when he gets the shelves put in and organized I will try to remember to take more photos