Sunday, September 4, 2011

Spider in the elderberry bucket

Kids! what can I say, I have some goofy kids, we had picked elderberries to make jelly, the kids were supposed to put the buckets on the back porch, well . . .
truly have NO CLUE why she would even want to freeze a spider? I would far rather have seen it smooshed under my shoe!

She really doesn't like spiders, especially when she finds them in her room, here was the one she found before the one in the bucket, this one got mashed!
 she knows I hate spiders, so of course she just felt the need to bring it down to show me

As I get myself more organized I will be posting photos of all the recipes and canned goods we process for the pantry each year, hubby and I have been gardening and canning everything we can get our hands on and teaching the kids how to do home canning and meat processing.